Flat and big screen monitors have always caught our attention. We have always loved the idea of moving forward and experimenting with our entertainment experience. In the same line falls the ultra-wide screens these days. A lot of people are debating on switching over to the wide screens. If you are in the same confusion here are some of the things that you have to make a note of in order to choose one over the multiple options that are placed in front of you.
Big vs. Wide:
In order to evaluate the choices on a widescreen monitor, the first thing that you have to keep in mind is the debate between a flat screen that is big and a screen that is wide. The big versus wide competition has always been there, especially between the gamers of the society. So depending on the need of the gamer the choice is made by the gamers.
Although there is a big misconception with regard to the pricing that has been fixed for the widescreen monitors, it cannot be denied that there are affordable widescreen monitors as well. In the pricing content the widescreen is always pricier than a big screen, but for the quality of work that it can provide any widescreen is worth it.

A video that doesn’t support 21:9:
The ultra-screen monitors are sized at 21:9 ratio. The problem with these size videos is that there are still videos that do not support the ratio of 21:9. In that case, half of the screen might look black, and the video quality might get distorted. The ratio becomes a little global only after that the video quality in the ultra-screen might be effective. So this is the only thing that seems a bit problematic. So this is one of the biggest drawbacks of the ultra-screen monitors.
When you play games:
As far as gamers are concerned, we have already seen that the ultra-screen monitors are largely preferred by the gamers. The gaming experience is always better when it comes to ultra-screen monitors. All the screen shows the game in a better way, and the vicinity of the screen is better. A comparison between a normal screen and ultra-screen lets us better see the game screen.
Natural Progression:
The 21:9 is the next option after 16:9 and thereby it is a natural progression in the monitor size evolution and thereby people will have to switch to the 21:9 sized monitors automatically. That is we call it a natural progression in the life of monitors.


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